Audio Recording Discrepancy Using Windows WASAPI Loopback

I am recording a 7.07-minute long audio clip using Windows WASAPI loopback to capture system audio. However, the resulting recorded file is only 5.38 minutes long and exhibits an increased tempo. Please Help…

This sounds a lot like audio sourced at one bit-rate and edited at a different bit-rate.

If there are no glitches/dropouts in the audio and it’s some kind of weird sample rate issue, you should be able to slow it down with Change Speed and Pitch Effect. You should be able to simply enter the new-correct length.

Or you might be getting dropouts where the audio is interrupted for too long, and you get buffer overflow and (usually short) gaps in the recording. If there are missing bits of audio it will play back faster.

Also see Dropout Detection.

…It’s complicated because your operating system is always multitasking & interrupting, even if you’re only running one application.