Натройка Аудасити Audasity setup

Добрый вечер, вопрос по настройке аудио записи. После того как записала речь, я ее обрабатываю так:
Фильтр кривая EQ
График EQ
Подавление шума
В итоге слышно металлическое эхо. и еще высокие.
Микрофон у меня alctron ur33.
Что делаю не так?

Good evening, a question about setting up audio recording. After I recorded the speech, I process it like this:
EQ curve filter
EQ Graph
Noise suppression
As a result, a metallic echo is heard. and still high.
My microphone is alctron ur33.
What am I doing wrong?

Most likely you are using Noise Reduction too aggressively and / or using an unsuitable noise profile.
The manual provides some tips for how to use Noise Reduction effectively: Noise Reduction - Audacity Manual

Спасибо большое за ответы.

Thanks a lot for the replies.

Я использую такие эффекты для любой записи (Audacity 3.1.3) (я новичок).
Нормализация -5
Ограничитель -7
Нормализация -5
Компрессор -12, -40, 2:1, 0,20, 1,0
Кривая EQ
Графический EQ
Подавление шума
Подавление шума
Нормализация -3
И сохраняю.

Правильно ли это?
Что лишнее делаю я?
Или чего не хватает в моих действиях?

Normalization -5
Compressor -12, -40, 2:1, 0,20, 1,0
The EQ curve
Graphic EQ
Noise suppression
Noise suppression
Normalization -3
And I keep it.

Is it right?
What am I doing too much?
Or what is missing in my actions?

Is it right?
What am I doing too much?
Or what is missing in my actions?

What are you trying to accomplish with all of those effects? If you have a “perfect recording” you don’t need any effects unless you are trying to enhance it in some particular way.

Noise reduction is tricky… It works best when you have a constant very low level background noise… It works best when you don’t really need it. If the noise is bad, 'The cure can be worse than the disease." It’s useless for things like barking dogs.

Most professional recordings have some compression/limiting to boost the “loudness” or “intensity” but that’s not always required (and it can “damage” the sound). Since compression and limiting are frequently used along with “make-up gain” to bring-up the overall loudness, they also boost any background noise. And even without make-up gain, they make the signal-to-noise ratio worse!

It’s common to normalize as the last step, even if you use any other effects/processing. Normalizing is just a linear volume adjustment that (usually) “maximizes” the volume. It doesn’t change the sound character/quality.

…For audiobooks there is a recommended audiobook mastering process[/url] which is for getting the peak & RMS levels to meet the ACX requirements. There is also a plug-in for checking the levels & noise. The ACX requirement for peaks at -3dB or less is “artificial” so if you’re not submitting an audiobook to ACX you can set the limiter to 0dB.

Спасибо вам большое.

Thank you very much.