I’m recording my LPs onto my laptop (MacBook Air) and I’ve finally found out why Audacity wasn’t recording (see my previous post: Mac shows sound is coming in but no recording), but now it won’t play back through the Bluetooth connection to my external speakers. Anyone know why Audacity can only play back through the built-in speakers? Thanks.
Answered my own question! It’s Security & Privacy again. This time you have to add Audacity to the list of programmes in the Bluetooth permissions pane. Problem solved.
I have been noticing a lot of apps now check permissions of things you need when they start up and open up the settings for those permissions for you. Perhaps Audacity should start doing that as well.
Agreed, Wrecks0.
Good idea. I can’t help thinking the Windows version should offer to disable audio enhancements because it seems everybody and his dog has issues because of that.