Audacity used in movie trailer

I wanted to write about seening Auducity in a movie trails which i thought was fun but it seems there are no forum to about that in.
There should not be a forum for “Other stuff” or something like that where people can write if it does not fit in the other forums?

I think i see Audacity in movie trailer for UFO at 1:51 so i thought maybe it would be fun to have a list or something where people see Audacity used in movies etc.

Thanks for sharing. That’s a pretty distinctive shot of Audacity isn’t it :smiley:

We used to have something like that - it was called “The Lounge”. Unfortunately it was mostly used either for spam, advertising, or for support questions that then needed to be moved to the appropriate forum (after asking “which operating system?”). The Lounge was eventually closed because it was taking too much of the moderator’s time that would be better spent helping people.

Probably the best place for this kind of thing now is the “Audacity 2.x Feedback and Reviews” board.

I’ll forward the link to the team - I’m sure they’ll be interested.

Questions appear to the forum elves in order of time/date no matter where you post them. So there is little chance of the posting falling into a Big Black Hole.


Audacity used by Google …

Nice find Trebor :slight_smile:

I believe that in the movie about Michael Oher, (Blindside? I can’t remember the name), one of the coaches has Audacity installed on his computer.

Audcaity used by TechMoan* …
[ * His YouTube channel has had “169,137,526 views” ]

Audacity gets screen-time on the BBC …

BBC One - The One Show, Watchdog - AI Voice Scams [may not be visible unless you appear to be in the UK]

I am highly entertained by watching shows about the paranormal.

Most ghost hunting shows that display electronic voice phenomena waveforms on screen use Audacity or GarageBand to do so.