Audacity not recording with right settings

I am trying to record some audio for a hobby project but for some reason, audacity wont record the track but with pick up the audio. I would appreciate any help on this. Thanks

For someone to be any help you need to give more information: operating system, version of Audacity, how you were trying to record etc…

Mark B

I am recording with a usbc hub microphone and using the computers native speakers for playback. The host is MME with mono recording channel. It has a quality of 192000 hz for the project and default sample.

Make sure you’ve selected your USB device as your Recording Device. (Don’t select anything that says “loopback”.)

Check your Permissions/Privacy Settings to make sure Audacity is allowed to use the microphone.

Make sure Windows “enhancements” are turned OFF.

You can test the microphone with Listen To This Device (without Audacity).

I don’t know of any USB microphone that supports that, but the drivers should up-sample.