Audacity not picking up signal?

This is my setup (cheap Amazon podcast starter-kit). I am working on a Chromebook (shitty I know) but I’ve managed to download Audacity. I’ve got my computer audio settings inputted and outputted to the interface, and I’ve got the Audacity playback and recording devices set to it as well. The mic and interface are working fine (I can hear my voice in my headphones through the interface).

Problem is I hit record and I don’t get any signal. I press “start monitoring” and it’s not giving me anything.

In fact, I unplugged the interface and set everything back to the default settings, and I’m still not getting anything. So something tells me I don’t have my Audacity settings set correctly (although everything is saying it is). Is it just a ChromeOS thing and it’s hopeless, or am I missing something?

This is very frustrating, SOS!

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