Audacity 3.6.2 skipping and stopping

My Audacity 3.6.2 has a new trick of omitting parts of words. It spontaneously leaves parts of words out. I might record a paragraph - playback and the 3rd word is jumbled or missing. I end up re-recording sentences 2-3 times. I have adjusted the buffer length to no avail. Any tips or solutions?

Post some of the damaged work on the forum. You can post up to 2MB of production, stereo or mono. WAV is preferred.

Don’t make it so short we can’t tell what normal is. Use your own work, or read the forum test script.

When you correct a reading, does it keep damaging the same word over and over?

If it deletes a word, does it leave a right duration hole? Or does it smash, for example, words one and three together?


Thank Koz,
I found the issue. The mic cord wasn’t clicked into the mic.
Thanks for being here.