Audacity 3.3.3 Linux Kubuntu record speaker output

hi there! i have a quick question with regard to kubuntu and recording my microphone out line.
i have pulse audio and audacity installed but for some reason i canot record my nmicrophone feed

Id appreciate any help

[quote=“theyikes, post:1, topic:106697”]
hi there! i have a quick question with regard to kubuntu and recording my microphone out line.
i have pulse audio and audacity installed but for some reason i canot record my microphone feed [/quote]

You can open PulseAudio Volume Control and verify microphone settings. And use Audacity to record and listen to the microphone. Adjust volume levels if needed.

Thanks EayneF11. I’m out of the office at the moment but I’ll try your solution when I get back. Thank you for the reply!!

hi WayneF11! i’m literally pulling my hair out with this issue. I have audacity running, i load pulseaudio but i’m not getting anything to do with audacity. But when i run the built in audio app i’m getting options to record from various sources.

But when i go back to Audacity and i try to select the recording device i can’t figure out which source to use.

I’m not sure if it’s relevant but i’m using a bluetooth headset.

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That could be fun because Bluetooth shows up as a Composite Communications or Network Device, not a microphone.


I’m guessing this has never worked?


Another idea. Did you get the headset for a particular application such as Zoom, Meetings, or Games? That does work, right? Are they closed? Zoom in particular takes over your sound system when it runs. Make sure Audacity is the only thing running.


I feel really bad for saying this but i found an alternative solution using another app. I won’t say what it is but suffice to say i was able to record my speaker output using 1 click.

Audacity is without a doubt an amazing piece of software but for me the v3.3.3 for linux is pretty buggy and convoluted.

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