I have just installed the latest update, and when I try to launch audacity, I get an error message “Audacity could not find a place to store temporary files. Please enter an appropriate directory in the preferences dialog” with an okay button. The okay button does not respond, I have waited up to 10 minutes. The icon in the doc shows the application is responding. I can’t get into the program to change the preference. yesterday it worked just fine.
Any ideas on who to fix the problem? I have tried deleting the plist and the .cfg and nothing works.
That can be a permissions issue. Do you have “normal” drives on your machine? You’re not trying to run Audacity over a Network or anything like that? Any USB drives?
Go > Utilities > Disk Utilities
Select your system drive and Verify Disk and then Repair Permissions. Leave time. If you haven’t done this in a while it could crank and fill up the page with corrections.
Audacity > Preferences > Directories.
Mine looks like the attached. What does yours look like?
I have firewire, usb and thunderbolt drives. Just repaired permissions last week.
I can’t get into Audacity that is the issue. I can’t open it, when I launch it I get the temporary files error message and it hangs. So I can never get to the audacity/preferences menu.