After installing Audacity no sound from Chrome browser in my headset

I installed 3.6.4 and now my chrome Web Browser sound through my headset does not work. I have an EKSA E900 Pro usb connected headset. I can no long listen to YouTube through my headset.

Sound does work on Audacity, windows application though the headset.

Sound does work through the browser when I switch to my speakers but just not my headset.

Using Dell Laptop Windows 11. Windows patches current.

Any ideas?

Audacity won’t mess with your Windows audio settings.

But if by chance, you plugged-in something else (like a USB audio interface) windows might default to that new thing. Check your Windows audio settings

Browsers always use the default sound device for their output.

Audacity does not check for a default device. It uses the one you selected in the program.

To get sound out of your browser, Google something like “setting headphones as default sound device in windows”.

I figured it out. Under my Volume Mixer somehow under Google Chrome option the Mute options was selected. Don’t know how that happened…may I did it. Don’t know. Thanks.

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