I am using Audacity to demonstrate an acoustical analogue of NMR spectroscopy in a teaching setting. It would be really great to have the option of a linear amplitude scale in the Frequency Analysis plot, in addition to the logarithmic (dB) scale. I am referring to the y (amplitude) axis and not the x (frequency) axis, where the option exists.
People doing research or other scientific work often use MATLAB or one of the free MATLAB clones.
You could export the plot (there’s a button for that), bring it into a spreadsheet (it is a tab-delimited file) and manipulate the data there to your heart’s content.
Thank you. Yes, that is an option; Origin is quite good for that. However, that is a bit tedious for a teaching demonstration and not so transparent for the students. It would be nice to have a ‘clean’ spectrum without the low amplitude noise with the click of a button …
Sonic visualizer may be of interest to you. It’s got way more customizable visualization of waveforms than Audacity. (Though I’m not entirely sure if it has the thing you want - I never could figure out where exactly everything goes in that app).
Thank you, LWinterberg! That is exactly what I need.