Include PRESETS for default plugins!

If I open the “Equalization” effect in the Audacity_2.0 “Effect” menu, then in the “Equalization” effect window under “Select curve” I get presets for:

  • AM Radio
  • Telephone
  • Walkie-talkie
  • 100Hz Rumble
  • RIAA
  • Bass Bosst
  • Bass Cut
  • Treble Boost
  • Treble Cut

including the option to create my own equalizer curves and save them for later use, so I don’t really understand what you are missing there.

See Submit your EQ Curves

Question: What Audacity version are you working with? (see “About Audacity” in the Audacity “Help” menu for the exact version number).

To me it appears as if you work with any stoneage Audacity version.

  • edgar