I have 10 (out of 19) chapters too loud
Do you know about ACX-Check? That’s an Analyze tool that automatically reads out (among other things) the three important AudioBook settings.
English version of the ACX readings.
Peak. Look at the blue waves on the timeline. The very tips of the waves are never allowed to go all the way up or down. That’s overload (1.0 on the timeline – 0dB on the bouncing sound meters). That can cause audible crunching and distortion. ACX doesn’t even want you to get close, so that’s their -3dB (70%) limit.
RMS. Loudness. Root Mean Square is a standard electrical measurement which, when applied to audio, happens to work out to loudness. RMS s…
We have a tool called ACX Check which will tell you the noise level, RMS (volume) and peak sound values. It’s normally used to make sure your sound work meets ACX AudioBook standards.
You need to have at least a half-second of silence in the show for ACX Check to work. I have a suggested sound clip format for testing and posting a sound clip on the forum, but it works on free-form performances, too.
If you only missed loudness but hit the other two, it could be really rough to recover from that. Did you keep the original readings—before you processed them?
First reading?