Hi all! I am a content creator that creates a podcast of approximately over 2 hours. I have poured my time and love into my work, and I put it everything on a hard drive. Sorry if this question has been answered, I’m just freaking out.
Lately, these past couple of weeks, I have been noticing an issue with my hard drive. The Hard drive works perfectly well outside of Audacity, however, it seems like multiple 2 hour long Audacity projects don’t load at all. Sy I copy the file to my local computer hard drive. Windows creates the error Can’t read from source file or disk. However, if I load Audacity it says that it “Audacity failed to read from a file in ”.
Audacity always struggles to load in gigantic files, and that’s understandable: loading in GBs of data understandably take time, but when it seem to be failing for every large file, I am really concerned. Smaller files seem to work so far in my tests.
I notice another forum on loading on using your audacity repair tool, but the steps to do that involve copying those files from my hard drive into a downloads folder and renaming it. However, since every transport from the hard drive to the computer always fails, I can’t use that work around. Or, at least, everything I’ve tried for that has failed.
I really hope years worth of work hasn’t been lost, and if there’s anything I can do to recover all of those countless hours, I would be much obliged.
I would also appreciate an understanding of how this problem might have arisen. The only thing think that could cause this might have been defragging and optimizing my hard drive, but computers do that all of the time on their own drives, I don’t think that would have caused the issue.
Thanks for your time,