Time Shift Tool --> Clip Handles

I’d like to mention an issue with Audacity (v3.2.1).

You’ve recently moved from the Time Shift Tool to Clip Handles and dragging a clip by the clip handle to a new location.

Say that you want to drag a very small clip from the left where it starts all the way to the right (say another clip is, say, 10 minutes long).

When you have a very small clip, you’ll probably have to Zoom In in order to get a big enough clip handle to hold onto. But this means that the area on the screen is smaller and when you drag your clip to the right side of the screen, it stops. It doesn’t keep scrolling to the right. This means that you might have to drag to the right, use the scroll bar at the bottom of the editing window to move to the left, drag to the right, scroll to the left, many, many, many times.

Is there already an option to enable auto-scrolling of that clip in its track? If not, could this be a feature request?

Thank you.

The issue has been reported here: Impossible to drag small clips when zoomed out #2176

The developers have been studying the situation and hope to incorporate a solution to the problem in Audacity 3.3.

You are welcome to attach your specific suggestion directly to the github report.

As a workaround, perhaps you could use cut and paste rather than dragging.