audacity 2.3.0

Bonjour à tous.
Je viens d’installer Audacity sur un PC fonctionnant sous Windows 8.
Il est impossible d’ouvrir le logiciel. Y a-t-il un bug?

Sorry, I don’t speak French.
Is there an error message?

Google Translate:

Désolé, je ne parle pas français.
Y a-t-il un message d’erreur?

Thank you.
My operating system is family Windows 10.

When I try to open the software in double clicking on the icon, the icon appears briefly on the screen, then disappears.
I tried to solve the problems of compatibilities. At the moment, a message displayed. It indicates that the system detected that another session of the software (Audacity) was already opened. It is not the case.
When I double clique on the icon, I verified with the administrator of the tasks, I do not see that Audacity is already opened.
Sorry for the english, I don’t speak english.

Try doing a full shut-down of the machine (possibly “Shift-Shutdown” on Windows 10), then restart.
A normal Windows 10 “shutdown” does not entirely shut down the machine.

I try shutdown. It does not work.
Is the version 2.3.0 a temporary version?

If you got it via the Audacity website (Audacity ® | Download for Windows) then it is an official release version.

Is that where you got it from?

Did you get the recommended “exe” version? If so, try re-running the installer, and when the option to “Reset Preferences” appears, select that option. On first run, confirm that you wish to reset preferences when prompted.