Time Shift macro?

Is it possible to time shift a certain track a very specific amount using macros?
I need to perfectly line up audio tracks so I can invert them and cancel out specific audio in my recording. This is the only way I could record audio from certain applications separately with very low latency.

I have been able to do everything besides the time shift. The only way I could see to do it was with a drag macro, which I have no idea how to use.

invert them and cancel out specific audio

Can you do it manually? “I need to cancel out two tracks” is usually a Phrase of Doom. You need to make changes down at bit level and have two nearly identical, not just close, performances. That’s not easy, and you have to do it intentionally, not accidentally.

For example, you can’t use the word “MP3” anywhere in your description.

We should wait for someone who’s a better editor than I am.


Yes it is, but you have to program the exact amount that you want to move it, so it’s probably easier to just shift it manually.

The easiest way to move a track to the right is to insert silence at the start, which will push the rest of the track to the right (see: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/generate-silence-feature-not-loading-preset/57885/6)

The easiest way to move a track to the left is to delete the required amount from the left end of the track.

I need to perfectly line up audio tracks

Post back how it goes.


I can do it manually. The audio is exactly the same.
I am recording my gameplay with OBS, but that requires me to record all audio on one track because of latency. I record separate audio from certain apps with about 100ms of added latency.
Basically, track 1 has all the sources and the rest of the tracks have audio from my music player and discord. I want the gameplay audio to be clean, so I want to remove discord and music in post.

Thanks! That works wen I do it manually, but the macro doesn’t allow me to set a preset. Every time I use the macro command it just silences all tracks completely.

I have it at the point where the macro does all the setup and I just need to click the menus and manually set the silence time

I can do it manually. The audio is exactly the same.

Thanks. Yes. This question is normally posted by someone who has two downloaded MP3s and wants to split instruments or vocals through cancellation.

Short answer: No.


Sounds like there’s something wrong with your Macro.

When I automate everything up to the silence and insert it manually it works perfectly. The problem is that the macro doesn’t allow me to change the preset, so it always uses default values.

If you want a helpful reply, you will need to be a lot more detailed in your descriptions. We can’t see your computer, or what you are doing, so we only have a vague idea of what you are doing.