Is there a way to see track effects?

Hello WIN10 user here, new to Audacity.
Is there a way to view which effects have been “turned on” for a particular track?
Also, is UNDO the only method to remove an effect from a track?
Thanks in advance



In Audacity, effects are not “turned on”. Effects are “applied” to the selected audio.
You can see a list of actions that have been preformed in the current session by looking in “View menu > History”.

Usually yes, though it is highly recommended to keep backups of each track so that you can go back to it if you mess up.

A few effects are “reversible”. For example, if you boost the bass in a track, then you can “undo” that by reducing the bass. If you speed up a track, then you can “undo” that (not quite perfectly) by slowing the track down.

Most effects are not reversible. For example, if you apply too much reverb, then you’re stuck with it (unless you have a backup).

Thx Trebor and Steve for the quick & helpful answers!