Can't Save or Export

Ok so the latest Win 10 version of Audacity 2.2.1 worked fine and I could easily save both .aup’s as well as export .wav and .mp3’s and retrieve them initially just fine…

but when I realized how much space this was taking on my SSD drive I went to Preferences and pointed everything to my T1 Drive and copied all data over to a new folder under A:\Audacity but have had problems since… I can intermittently save stuff there but the last couple projects with about an hour’s worth of editing simply disappeared when after saving the .aup project … I get a: can’t save file “.” error while trying to export it… worse yet, when I go back and try to reopen the project with :“Recent Files” for the project there is NOTHING in it under the file name …aargh :astonished: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

What should I do ? I’m assuming I may need to un-install and re-install and try to install it initially on the A: drive would that work?
I’m going to try that …

pointed everything to my T1 Drive

That’s your 1TB spinning metal drive or your cloud drive over a T1 link? Audacity doesn’t much like working hot over a data link. It doesn’t understand delays, routing, collisions and negotiations.

Work on your fast internal drive and transfer storage back and forth to larger drives as needed.

You can compress Audacity Projects in ZIP to keep the _DATA folder and the AUP file together. That’s critical. The actual compression isn’t as important as keeping multiple files and folders jammed together perfectly.

My version of that is work hot on my machine’s internal 250GB SSD and transfer work to the external 4.2TB spinning metal drive and a second 2.0TB drive if it’s critical work. The rule is being able to point to two different places storing important work.

That is where New Users start falling apart. “My interview crashed and there’s no backup.”

I never got in the habit of using Audacity Projects because I never needed to. My clients are the video editors and they would have no idea what to do with an Audacity Project. That and I never had to save a multi-track show.


Koz, I sincerely do appreciate your suggestions since I am very frustrated at this point… I did an UNINSTALL then re-installed BOTH the program files and the DATA on my internal A:\ drive (it’s not a link to a cloud drive) but found that after re-editing and cleaning up the source file coming from a 30+ year old cassette inserted into a USB cassette player that it converts audio and passes it to Audacity as a USB Input device BUT that the same thing happened again as it did when launching Audacity from the SSD, it fails to load the .aup saying that it can’t find the Audacity Data files. with a “.” file missing error, and when I look in the DATA folder(s) it has created on A: or everywhere else, the files seem to be saved properly as I save them… when I store a project as an .aup but they simply disappear…

I will do as you suggest however and UNISTALL again and this time go back and re-install it in my SSD C: drive using the default locations for everything and so I’ll use that same SSD as the default location for saving both .aup and .wav and .mp3 DATA files again and hope that works again as it did initially… I will later manually “move” the data off the 500G SSD as needed… what seems odd about having to do this is that as I save the project initially it seems to save the project Ok… why didn’t Audacity let me know it couln’t not create and save these data files… there are several temp folders created and saved but they all wind up with zero data in each.

Anyway I will give that a shot… unlike a pro like yourself who can wrap up a project and move on feeling comfortable he won’t have to re-edit it later… I don’t know of any other way to temp store the edits I’ve made in a project up to that point other than by saving the Project as an .aup since for one thing, I make mistakes, and also I can’t seem to just switch Preferences between the generic “USB input device” that is my recording source for digitizing these 40+ year audio cassette tape recordings, over to a different input device like my Logitech headset’s microphone, unless I completely re-boot Win10 and THEN plug into the USB jack. The darn preference either doesn’t show up in the dialogue as an option or else if it does show, and I select it… I find later that while it’s
“recording” I get no waveform activity while recording from USB as the tape is moving and I watch the the track waveform display scroll… it’s just a little string of tiny noise spikes that is recorded not the normal audio waveform.

I wish I knew why cause the only thing that seems to fix it reliably is to UNPLUG either the Headset ( with mic) or the USB Cassette, Reboot the PC then re-launch Audacity, and then plug it back into the USB jack again and when I do all this … the device will finally show up in preferences AND it will work so I can use it, but it makes putting a little audible narration ahead of the recorded file nearly impossible without a huge waste of time rebooting.

I’ll let you know how it goes… Thanks Again Koz :nerd: :nerd:

I am having this identical problem, please let me know if anyone has fixed this PLEASE! I have a project open now with 5 tracks and a blown out voice, even if I start over I’m screwed. lol. Thank you