Crashing when opening file from External HD

I started using an external HP hard drive for storage. If I try to open or import an MP3 from there Audacity closes. If I open from computer it works ok. Any solutions? Running Vista Home Premium SP2, Just downloaded Audacity 2.02. Installed from .exe file. My computer & the external hd are both HP.

The obvious “solution” is to copy or move the file from the external HDD to the computer before you start.

If you launch Audacity from the command line you may see an error message to give you some indication of the cause of the problem.

I’ve never found a way to make that happen on Windows. You get a new prompt immediately after you type “audacity”. There is little useful program debugging in Windows unless you run the program from Visual Studio.

If you click the Windows globe and type “event logs” (without quotes) in the Search box, you may find some information.

Does Audacity also crash if you export to the external drive?


Try the START command with the /WAIT parameter, e.g. START /WAIT audacity. It will wait for Audacity to finish before giving you a new prompt.


Thanks for the tip Ragnar, but sadly Gale is correct with his second point “There is little useful program debugging in Windows unless you run the program from Visual Studio”. I have just tried some tests, forcing Audacity to crash, but the Windows command prompt shows nothing. Yet again I find that my low opinion of Windows is an overestimation :wink: