New court equipment,Tascam ss-r250n

It has a USB output cable that is supposed to plug into my computer for recording

I chose the Windows WASAPI but the only thing recording is external sounds, not the audio feed from the Tascam.

Any help would be appreciated.

I found the user manual online and it looks like the USB port is for plugging-in a flash drive. You can use a thumb drive to transfer files between the TASCAM and the computer. Or it looks like you can use the Ethernet port to transfer files, but not for real-time recording/playback through the computer.

Thank you. I don’t think I explained what I needed correctly and I have a little more information. With the USB cable coming out of the TASCAM I am supposed to be able to plug it into my laptop, turn on Audacity, choose line in under microphone and go from there. When I choose line in and hit the record button I just get a steady line with no recording. Maybe that helps

OK, I’ll bite. Who said this? You may be able to do this with some TASCAM devices, but as DVDdoug says, not according to the TASCAM SS-R250N manual.

According to the manual, the USB port is for USB flash drives and for a USB keyboard. You should be able to transfer files between your computer and the TASCAM by using the USB flash drive. Have you tried doing this?

Screen Shot 2021-05-27 at 20.10.52.png
Also called a thumbdrive.


Sorry for the delay. Thank you for your response. On the Tascam there are two USB ports on the front. Those are not what I’m talking about. There is an output cable that you are supposed to be able to plug into your computer (Audacity is one of the programs we are supposed to be able to use) to record audio.

My question really has to do more with Audacity settings because no sound is coming in. Directions were to turn computer on and open Audacity. Plus in USB cable. Look for mic icon and click on drop down menu. Select LINE IN. Change MME to WASAPI.

Just did not know if anyone else had had success with this or even heard of it because it definitely did not record. Thanks.

According to this web page: Tascam SS-R250N | Networkable Solid-State Audio Recorder
The TASCAM SS-R250N does not have USB audio connection on the back. It has an Ethernet (local area network) connection, and an optional “Dante” network connector.

I don’t see anyway to interface the device with Audacity. The obvious way to use the TASCAM SS-R250N with Audacity would be to record to a USB card or flash drive, then copy the WAV files from the flash card / flash drive to your computer for editing with Audacity.

Is this a USB cable or an Ethernet cable, as Steve suggests? Do you care to share a picture of the cable end?

As I said before, who said this?

And just what is is you are trying to accomplish? This seems to be a very fine machine. Why do you have this TASCAM and what are you trying to do with it?

I am a court reporter. The TASCAM machines are new to our courtrooms and the instructions came from the company that installed them.

It’s definitely an output cable with a USB plug at the end and not an Ethernet cable. The machine records court proceedings. As court reporters we need to have a backup recording.

Audacity has been great for recording hearings during the time we were doing remote hearings during COVID and because we were using it, this was the “solution” the tech people came up with.

Perhaps I am asking the wrong questions at the wrong place. I appreciate all the feedback. I will see if I can get the tech support person at the courthouse to help. When I first asked the question I was hoping for a quick fix for a clear recording. Again, thank you for responding. I apologize for being unclear. This is definitely outside of my wheelhouse.