Can't hear my voice in Audacity while recording 2 channels

So I am trying to do covers and it is proving much harder than expected. After my Steinberg Line was proving more trouble than it was worth, I switched to a Philonext Condenser Mic.

What I do is that I then I export the karaoke into Audacity and then record my voice on another track. However, I am unable to hear my voice in playback, only the karaoke track. I twiddle with the Playback Volume settings to no avail.

Using Audacity 2.2.2.

Can anyone assist? It shouldn’t be that hard to just get audio recorded right?

I am trying to do covers

You’re trying to play the backing track as a guide at the same time you record your own voice to a second track?

I export the karaoke into Audacity and then record my voice on another track.

Using the overdub setting in Audacity?
Audacity > Edit > Preferences > Recording > Overdub…
Audacity > Edit > Preferences > Recording > Always record on a new track.

I am unable to hear my voice in playback

If you mean you can’t hear your voice after you create the overdub, you can switch tracks on and off with the MUTE and SOLO buttons to the left of each track.

If you mean you can’t hear your own voice live during the overdub session, that’s correct. That’s Simple Overdubbing. If you want Perfect Overdubbing where you hear yourself, you need a microphone or device that offers Zero Latency Monitoring. This G-Track will do that.

You can try selecting Playthrough…
Audacity > Edit > Preferences > Recording > Playthrough…

That will usually feed your own voice back to you late or with an echo. That drives most people nuts.


Thanks for the help! But now I can’t hear the sound from the first track at all. :frowning: I’m sure I didn’t press anything at all!

You’re trying to play the backing track as a guide at the same time you record your own voice to a second track?

Yes this is what I am trying to do.

Do you think it’s worth using a preamp? Struggling with the Steinberg seems more trouble than it’s worth.

I fixed it by switching entry plug. But I still have the same issue that the playback is way louder than my recording.

I think I wasn’t clear enough in my message and I apologize. Overdubbing is fine I don’t want to hear my voice WHILE recording. However I do want to hear it after recording and for some reason the playback is WAY louder than my voice is.

the playback is WAY louder than my voice is.

I’m calling that normal. If your backing track is a commercially produced recording, it’s been beat up to be as loud as possible to compete with other commercial music also as loud as possible.

You are producing a home recording with equipment typically adjusted for quiet volume to keep you out of overload problems. The two sets of blue waves are very different sizes, right?

Select your track by clicking just right of the up arrow and Effect > Amplify > Enter.

That better? We can’t conveniently change your voice into Columbia Records and Tapes, but we can probably get close.


It worked! You are a genius and a God my good sir. I think I might be able to do it now. I will dedicate my first-born…well no I mean my first YT video to you :slight_smile:

How much can I Amplify? Is there a limit?

And you wouldn’t happen to know anything about equalization now would you?