Two recordings on top of each other

Hiya ! Im new here, and don’t quite know where to post this question.

I have recorded a track on Audacity and saved it as a WAV-file.
Then I recorded another one but, forgot to open a new file to save it on.
So the second one I saved as a WAV-file with both recordings on one track on top of each other.

Can the track be split again ? Is there a way to extract track 1 from track 2 using the first track ?

I closed the project so it is lost and I only have the WAV-files.

Hope someone can help me with this

Can the track be split again ? Is there a way to extract track 1 from track 2 using the first track ?


Open the 2nd file with the mixed sounds.

Then File → Import → Audio to bring-in the first unmixed track.

Select the entire unmixed track and Effect → Invert.

Export as a new WAV file. The inverted track will be mixed with the already-mixed track and if everything is lined-up the inverted sounds should cancel-out.

It probably won’t be perfect because the mixed file is probably clipped, and there are LOTS of things that can go wrong. But it can work perfectly if the audio is identical and inverted.

Yes I did exactly what you instructed and it worked ! Thank you so much (: