Fade Plug-ins

Just trying to sort out the host of fade effects that have been submitted in an attempt to finalise some of them for the wiki.

More versatile Fade Effects:
This first type of fade effect are similar to the standard Audacity fade effects, but have additional features such as:

  1. Rather than always fading to silence allow fading by a specified amount (for example, fade by 6 dB).
  2. Producing non-linear fades.

Audacity “Cross-Fade In” effect makes a click: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/audacity-cross-fade-in-effect-makes-a-click/12054/1
Identical to the “Cross-Fade in” effect that is currently included in Audacity, but fixes the “click at end” bug.
This fix will be included in next 1.3.14 Beta.

Simple plug-in for creating partial fades: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/simple-plug-in-for-creating-partial-fades/16055/1

Simplified flexible Nyquist fade in and out effect: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/simplified-flexible-nyquist-fade-in-and-out-effect/16042/1
Based on “Fade Plus” without target level options.

More versatile Nyquist fade/amplify effect: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/more-versatile-nyquist-fade-amplify-effect/14040/1

Fade to Target level:
Whereas the standard Audacity effect always fades to or from silence, these fade effects allow fading to / from specified peak levels.

Amplify/Fade to Target Level: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/amplify-fade-to-target-level/19546/1

“Target Fade” effect: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/target-fade-effect/16214/1
Fade is calculated from the peak in the initial and final “windows” prior to amplification. The peak levels in the initial and final windows may not be at target levels.
The initial and final window sizes are adjustable so that they can be set to include the first and last peak that the user wants to take into account.

Text Envelopes:
The purpose of this effect is to provide an alternative to the “Envelope Tool” that is accessible for visually impaired users.

Text Envelope 0.8 beta: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/text-envelope/14316/1

Cross-fade effects:
For performing cross-fades between successive songs/tracks.

Cross Fade: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/cross-fade/12027/1

A Variable-shape, multi-track cross fade plugin. https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/a-variable-shape-multi-track-cross-fade-plugin/10209/1

Cross Fade 2: Cross-fades contiguous sections on one track.
x-fade2.ny (12 KB)