
A “Flanger” effect changes a sound signal by introducing a short, cyclically varying delay into one or more copies of the signal and recombining them. This produces a sweeping comb filter effect, which typically sounds like a “swooshing” effect. Some versions of the effect, including this plug-in, include an option to feed a portion of the delayed signal back into the effect.

  • Maximum delay (ms): [0 to 10 (default = 1)] The maximum amount of delay applied as the signal passes through the effect
  • Sweep range: [0 to 10 (default = 8)] The range of variation in delay time. At zero, the delay is a constant amount equal to the maximum delay. At 10 the delay amount cycles between no delay and maximum delay.
  • Speed (Hz): [0 to 10 (default = 1)] The speed at which the delay cycles between maximum and minimum delay times (cycles per second).
  • Feedback: [0 to 10 (default = 0)] Increasing the feedback passes a greater amount of the processed signal back to the input. At zero, the signal will pass through the effect once only. At higher values, the signal will pass through the effect multiple times in progressively smaller amounts.
  • Dry Mix: [-10 to +10 (default = -8)] The amount of “dry” (unprocessed) signal that is mixed with the processed signal. At zero, only the processed signal is returned, producing a cycling Doppler type effect. At negative values, the dry signal is inverted before being mixed with the processed signal.
  • Width (stereo tracks only): [0 to 10 (default = 0)] When a stereo track is processed, increasing the “width” setting causes the delay cycle in the right channel to be shifted relative to the left channel. At zero, the delay of both left and right channels move in unison, so that both channels are at maximum delay at the same time, and at minimum delay at the same time. At maximum “width”, the left channel is at maximum delay when the right channel is at minimum delay, and vice verse, creating a sense of wide stereo separation.

Usage Tips:

  • Increasing the feedback amount increases the amount of processing, and so increases the processing time. Feedback amounts below 4 have little effect. The increase in perceived effect of feedback diminishes above about 6, with little noticeable difference in effect between a setting of 7 and 10, other than the time taken to process. When feedback is required, settings of around 5 tend to give a reasonably strong effect without impacting too severely on processing time.
  • For a strong effect, use either “Feedback” or “Dry mix”. Using both at the same time tends to mask the overall effect. Using both together can be useful for more subtle effects.
  • The overall level of the output will often be less than the input level. This is intentional so as to ensure that the overall level is not increased to the point of distortion. If necessary, use the Amplify effect after applying the Flanger to boost the overall level.
  • Use the Preview button to preview the effect before applying. The result of this type of effect can be difficult to predict, so experimentation is encouraged.
  • Flanger effects tend to be most effective on sounds that are rich in harmonics.
  • For short delay times, adding a negative amount of “Dry Mix” will tend to give a stronger sweep in the treble frequencies and reduce the bass.

flanger.ny (2.32 KB)


are you planning to add this to the release bundle for 2.2.0 ?


Not sure, but if not then I’ll be adding it to the wiki (subject to testing).

I think it’s one of those effects that would benefit greatly from real-time preview, which is unfortunately not possible with Nyquist plug-ins.

If you allowed negative-feedback it produces a noticeably different effect …
+ve versus -ve feedback.png

I’m not sure exactly what you mean. Are you just setting the Feedback control to a negative amount? Is it a “good” effect?

I just put a “-1” in your feedback code …

-ve does sound different, a matter of taste as to whether it’s good…

A flanger with negative feedback.png

Your flanger has an almost cycloid pattern …
Steve's flanger is almost cycloidal (rather than sinusoidal).png
Whereas other flangers are sinusoidal …
sinusoidal flanger.png

Good observation. The pattern becomes more cycloid as the “Sweep range” is increased. With a smaller sweep range, the pattern becomes more sinusoidal.

Thank you! The plugin probably needs to be placed to the general list (where all effects). And so, I wouldn’t have found out about it. True, the plugin is interesting, but in this form it is hardly applicable. The sound is quite noticeably distorted.

The plugin is as good as other flangers : they’re supposed to sound weird.
If you set “Maximum delay” too long it will sound out-of-tune: de-pitched, but not “distorted”.

Maybe I’ve incorrectly formulated. More precisely, the voice (vocals, words) sounds good, but the musical accompaniment (instrumental) is not at all like the original signal, plays worse than before the effect. For the effect Flanger (linear) this lack doesn’t present.

That’s the point of the flanger-effect : to make the sound different.

I don’t know what effect you’re trying to achieve,
but the linear-flanger becomes like a comb-filter after a minute …

Nothing in common. At one time I used this plugin, Comb filter, there was no noticeable change in sound in comparison with the original signal, a slight improvement of quality, like most effects. And here there is a noticeable difference, not the best. The tool gives an improvement only to the voice, and the instrument becomes even worse, so the overall effect is practically difficult to apply. In general, I rarely focus on the spectrogram, I rely on my own hearing.

There’s a description of a “flanger” effect here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flanging

flanger & comb are creative effects : embellishments. They’re not designed to make voice or music clearer.

If you’are trying to improve voice & music, try a real-time equalizer plugin …