Overwriting .mp3 tag info wrongly after export

Dear Audacity,

I would like to report a small “bug” in your very nice program, which I would like to see repaired, since it will save me time and will make the program better.

When I edit a .mp3 file and export it under the same name (overwrite original) then some of the .mp3 tag info of the original file is mis-copied to the new file, confirmed with Mp3tag v3.12, also a nice program:

  • The Album Artist info is deleted
  • The Album art is deleted
  • The Year is modified wrongly (e.g. “2021” is transferred into “2021//2021”)
    I hope that in a new update you can fix these inconveniences.

Thanks in advance,

These are known and logged issues on Muse’s GitHub bugtracker. Audacity’s handling of metadata is not stellar.

  1. album art: https://github.com/audacity/audacity/issues/1505

  2. Improved metadata handling in Audacity: https://github.com/audacity/audacity/issues/1464

  3. Non-standard metadata get malformed or lost in Audacity:
    and that includes “Album Artist”

    See here for the full list of known metadata issues: https://github.com/audacity/audacity/labels/Metadata
