Unknown type name LVAL in sound.h

I’m compiling Audacity on Mac according to the official WIKI step-by-step instructions.
After fixing a lot of dependency issue, I’m now stuck at building the Audacity Release target in Xcode8.1.

The Nyquist dependency contains an undefined type LVAL.
I searched for the keyword in the entire Audacity repo and couldn’t find its definition.

Where did it come from?

Btw, I’m trying to compile all Audacity dependency so I’d love to include Nyquist as well.

The wiki may be out of date. For the most up to date instructions, refer to the Build.txt file in the source code: https://github.com/audacity/audacity/blob/master/mac/Build.txt

I followed both the wiki and the build.txt, but neither worked.

Apparently the Audacity Xcode project has bugs.
I solved this one by adding a Header phase to the Xcode project for the build target Audacity.
This phase contains all libnyquist’s headers.