When I open Audacity version I get a message Language “System” is unknown

After I click on OK the app opens and everything seems to be fine. I have an iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013) and I’m running OS Catalina 10.15.7. Does anyone know what the cause of this message is and whether it will have any adverse effects on Audacity recordings?


I’ve never seen such a message - but you could try this:

Go to the “settings” for Audacity (usually "command-key + comma-key, or menu-item “Audacity → Preferences”), and then, in the dialog, try to find “Interface” and set the language manually to something you understand.

According to your description, I guess your Mac’s language is set to something which Audacity does not include.

That worked like a charm - mucho thanks and Happy New Year!