Weird imbalance in the Wavelenght

Out of nowhere I seem to have this weird Wavelength imbalance where it seems to be going more into the lower DBs than the higher ones (even when I speak with a higher voice). I am absolutely lost when it comes to audio stuff so I’m asking here for help. I use default options.

Edit: It also is the other way around if I flip around the mic, the wavelenghts goes into the higher DBs. Maybe my mic is the issue?

That can be normal with certain soundwaves and it might just be a characteristic of your voice. (It’s very common with guitar, depending if you pluck up or down, and a drum hit is stronger in the “first” direction when the drum is 1st hit.

A high-pass filter (maybe 80Hz) will make it “look better” without changing the sound. (You can’t hear the asymmetry and there’s no 80Hz bass in voice-vocals.)

That’s unusual unless you have a figure-8 mic, but OK I wouldn’t worry about it.

FYI- It’s not really “negative dB”. It’s the negative half of the wave. Everything in digital is is (usually) negative in digital where 0dBFS (0dB full scale) is the “digital maximum”. More negative dB levels are quieter.

Acoustic loudness is measured in dB SPL (sound pressure level) where 0dB SPL is approximately the quietest sound that humans can hear.

Well if it’s more visual than something being wrong that’s fine then

asymmetrical waveform ?