Weird artifacts when mixing down tracks

I have multiple instrument tracks that I first mix down to a new track, edit, and then export with master effects. However, when examining the end result I noticed weird artifacts or “stuttering” of my drum tracks at the end part of my song. It’s like the tracks were not aligned properly or something for a very short period of time. After some investigations I noticed that this happens already on the mixed track.

However, when I directly export the song without a submix the artifacts were gone. How can this be possible? What’s the difference?

I don’t know how or why, but this was probably caused by noise gates.

For doing the sort of thing you describe, have you thought of using a full-blown DAW like Reaper or Waveform Free? One of them might meet your needs better. Both have lots of good YouTube tutorials.

Mark B

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I just don’t like to depend on closed-source software and find Audacity very user-friendly. It just works on Ubuntu. But you’re right - I’ll give you that. I’m not a fan of Reaper, but might try Waveform Free at some point as it seems to be available also for Linux.

Btw, I produced (mixed & mastered) this with Audacity and some GVST plugins:

I don’t impose that limitation on myself since I neither check nor contribute code. As long as it works, it’s fine.


I’ve got both installed at the moment but very little idea how to use either… :laughing:
How about Ardour as a DAW? That might suit your preference for open-source.

It’s great that you can create something like your composition with Audacity. Music tech is astounding at this point in time.

Mark B

Just tried Waveform Free and it was a mess (also the installation). Uninstalled right after. Actually I’m currently using Renoise to sequence and “just” record and mix in Audacity. My own MIDI tracker to replace Renoise is in the works.