WASAPI multi channel recording windows 10 laptop

OK, I see I have multi channel ability connected to my L-20 Zoom Mixer using Windows WASAPI and able to select up to 22 channels. It seemed it was going to function so I manually setup 22 mono tracks and hit Record. Error -9998 (to many tracks) and later -9997 (sample rate, even though nothing was changed, still 48k 16 bit set on Audacity & Mixer).
But even when I reduce the number of tracks Audacity still errors-out.
I even just opened a new Audacity project with no tracks. When I select the Record button a bunch of new tracks show-up. Then more (same added qty) show-up every time I hit Record again.
The number of tracks which are created automatically is based on the number of input tracks I’ve selected in the audio interface channel selection.
I’m confused.
Why if I just manually create tracks does Audacity want to create even more tracks… even when I’ve added say 4 mono tracks and only selected audio interface for 4 channels.
It should just be recording and not creating more tracks…
Or is WASAPI not functioning properly on Windows 10 (Dell Laptop w/ sound properties elected for 22 channels 48k 16 bit) ?
FYI - just selecting a simple MME 2 channel it works fine. And Yes, it does auto-create record tracks when selecting Record in MME mode. Though it does not create added tracks everytime I select Record. Instead it just continues the new recording in the timeline…which is fine.
So why can’t it do the same in WASAPI?