Updated to 3.6.1 and now can't save files anywhere

Please help. Updated to 3.6 two days ago, no problems using it to edit project created from earlier version. Updated tonight to 3.6.1 and now I can’t save my project anywhere. It keeps saying ‘disk full.’ I have plenty of space in iCloud and on my hard drive and I can’t save to either location. Created an audio.com account and it didn’t save there either. I have tried to revert to 3.6 and the issue persists. Going back to 3.5.1 says my file is no longer compatible with that version.

Do you have enough material saved to recreate the show? It is recommended that you export WAV versions of any live voice performances and interviews before you start creating Audacity Projects. Also make sure you have any music, stingers, background sounds as separate clean sound files.

Audacity doesn’t get along very well with non-internal drives and storage. From home networks all the way up to cloud storage, file management can be shaky. If you want to store stuff on outside drives, do the work on the internal drive, close Audacity, and then push files where you want them. Same in reverse. Finish the file transfers and only then open Audacity.

Storage on audio.com succeeds only if the Project was healthy to begin with. It won’t fix anything.

Some of the newer versions of Audacity, particularly the 3.6 series can contaminate projects and damage them. Upgrading to The Latest Version isn’t always recommended.

If the Project will open up anywhere, Export it immediately as a stand-alone WAV file. If it’s too complicated for that, multiple tracks for example, then that may be the end of the road for that show.

I still have 3.4.2 and that seems to work and be reasonable stable. Again, it won’t “fix” anything already broken.

Another example. Audacity 3.6 seems to have damaged one of the audiobook production tools. That repair is on my to-do list.


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