Trouble with latency test

I have a mic placed inside one of the headphones, all necessary settings have been made and I can generate the first rhythm track, no problem. B ut when I try to generate the second rhythm track it always fails. The manual says “Press shift and click on record new track in the transport tool bar.” This doesn’t work. So I’m stuck at that part of the procedure, biting my nails because I really need to make those overdubs.

Here’s what I see when I attempt to generate the second rhythm track:

After all that bitching I started over and got it done.

What did you change? Telling us how you fixed the problem may help others with the same problem.

Just followed the regular procedure using what I had. The bottom rhythm track was just little blips, at first I couldn’t see it, but I enlarged it the best I could, took the measurement and it worked fine.

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