The green level meters not showing up when recoding. I can’t hear anything

Hi there I’m having major issues I can’t record . When I start to record I don’t see the green level meter . I tried to do some troubleshooting now for over 5 hours. I downloaded the new software 3.7 and have a Yeti Mic and working on a dell laptop. I hope someone can help me. Thanks!

Could you provide more details like the sample rate and bit depth of the recording device, and if you have changed any default audio recording settings after the update?

Make sure you’ve selected the USB mic as your Recording Device. (Don’t select anything that says “loopback”.)

Check your Permissions/Privacy Settings.

Make sure Windows “enhancements” are turned OFF. They usually don’t kill the audio completely but they can cause weird problems.

Try Listen To This Device to make sure Windows is getting a signal. (It should work without Audacity or any other application.)

I am not familiar with the sample rate and bit depth you mention in your email. I don’t recall all of the troubleshooting i did. A lot of it i found through different youtube videos and google. I deleted audacity and reinstalled the new updated software and also replaced the USP plug. The green bar is not showing up with i hit record. I am using a yeti mic and also using my laptop windows to record. I hope you can help me further so i can move forward. I appreciate your help.

i troubleshooted all of the above except the last one where you wrote listen to this device. I went to the speakers/ headphones properties under playback and see an icon of a speaker and it has an option that says change icon. I googled this and it says no you should not change the speaker. From here i don’t know where to go.

Me again,
feels like i might be getting somewhere. I troubleshooted the microphone -Yeti Stereo Microphone no jack information available. Then under speech it says Set up mic and with the yellow warning exclamation icon it says The microphone used with this PC was not designed for Cortana, so she might not be able to hear you clearly. Would you like to try to set up this microphone. I clicked next and then it said Windows has fixed your problems you must restart your computer. I did that and went into audacity started to record and the green bar was working. I stopped the recording to see if i could replay my recording and received the Error opening sound device where it says Try changing the audio host playblack device and the project sample rate.

Your Playback Device should normally be your regular soundcard. Or the Yeti should work if you plug your headphones into the Yeti. (But not having anything plugged-in shouldn’t report an error. With nothing plugged-in I’d expect it to play silently.)

…It’s usually not really the sample rate…

Thank you! I plugged in my headphones into the yeti and I hit the record button and it recorded my voice but the issue now is my voice. It’s not that loud and sounds a bit muffled but def low. Nut sure why this is happnening.
When I record and hear myself it sounds great. Thanks for your help again!