The .aup3 files won't upload to Buzzsprout

When I export my podcast from Audacity, it shows it as an .mp3 file. Once it exports, it becomes a .aup3 file, and this one will not upload to Buzzsprout. I am using export-audio. .mp3 shows in the menu. I’ve read over other forum comments and none are helping. What am I doing wrong?

AUP3 is an Audacity project file that ONLY works in Audacity. (In many cases you don’t need to create a project .)

When you “save” you are saving an AUP file.

When you “export” you get a regular audio file (MP3, WAV, etc.).

When you export, check the folder you’re exporting to and use a file name that’s different from your project so you don’t get them mixed-up.

Thank you. That worked.