Strange behavior when inserting (Audacity 3.6.4)

  1. select area
  2. copy the area (via keyboard shortcut or menu)
  3. press button - Skip to start
  4. insert

The entire track is moved, but not the selection.
This means that the selection is no longer correct and the track is given a new start position.

Can anyone reproduce this?

Which version of Audacity?
Which operating system?

I can’t reproduce the issue with 3.7.0 alpha (self built) on Linux, but I do see strange behaviour with 3.6.4 AppImage on Linux.

Audacity 3.6.4 (see title).
I use Windows 10

As I said, it would be nice if someone could try to reproduce this.

I’ve logged the bug here: Audio pasted in wrong time position when pasting to the start of the same clip · Issue #7410 · audacity/audacity · GitHub

Hi Steve, thanks for your reply and for confirming that it is indeed a bug.

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