Saving Custom Mapping > Advanced Mixing Options

Any idea how to do this? I see a topic was raised and unanswered a couple of months back, and I’ve just run across the frustration of having to do this for every track I want to drop from 5.1->2.0

If you mean that you are mixing down to stereo, you don’t need to use custom mapping. Just pan the tracks where you want them and export as stereo.

Seems to work - thanks. That ought to be ‘macro-able’ too.
FYI I tried an ‘inverted comparison’ between the two results (ie ‘custom mapping export’ vs ‘panned’) and I got a small difference, so I’ll need to see where I went wrong, and in which one…

…update 1: the first ‘stereo’ track combines the Centre & Sub channels in the left & right channels respectively. I’m going to have to figure out how to send the left (and right) to both channels (perhaps duplicate, and swap the duplicate, or mixing it down to mono might be best). Not as simple as first thought.
…update 2: mixing down to mono didn’t sound right, so I split the first track and centre panned both new tracks. The problem is, I cannot find a macro function that actually splits a stereo track into two monos - the ‘Spilt’ macro doesn’t split like that.
…update 3: wrote an extra macro to render the first track (containing the Centre & Sub channels) to another stereo track and basically pan one of the duplicates to left, and the other to right, then mix each back down to mono, and then pan them to the centre - sorted. Referenced that macro within my earlier macro to create a ‘perfect’ result, as comparison with an inverted export, done with the Custom mapping, gives a zero (silent) result.