Random clicks in background of audio

I’m trying to record some voice over in audacity with my yeti x mic and getting this really annoying effect of clicking in the background of my speech. There’s an example in the first second.

For a while I thought it was a problem with my voice. Its mouth noise. I need to drink lots of water and the like to control it.

But…when I record outside of audacity I don’t get the same noise. I get much clearer audio.

Click removal effects of course work 50% of the time but I’d rather avoid it coming in the first place. I’ve tried all sorts that I don’t really understand around buffers and such.

Any idea what it could be?

Computers can now come with “audio enhancements” which can include a real-time de-noise & de-click. Such enhancements can be on by default.

How do I make sure audacity takes this into account too?

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