Protecting artists music

I had recorded the courage the cowardly dog crisis theme and was overlapping it with about 10 seconds of sid fire king and after I go out of it I can’t get on the Internet and every time I click on a single file to move it all the files on my dashboard, I can’t access my settings and I can’t turn my Wi-Fi on I have the practice takes it took me to get the way I sung handlebars on there and I’m afraid of losing them. I have a suspicion that the program is doing it and that’s why I’m reaching out for help from y’all.

Sorry, but I don’t understand your question…

But if you can open the audio in Audacity it’s not copy protected. Copy protection is rare these days except for DVDs, Blu-Rays, and most streaming video.

Of course most music is copyrighted but that’s a legal restriction, not a technical restriction. And copyright is the reason that most streaming services don’t have a “download” button.

I apologize that it’s not very clear. I’m asking if there’s a fix for it but it sounds like it’s a virus witch is unfortunate however thank you for your help though.