Project no longer Compacting when closing a project. Huge file size, almost no file content

Normally when closing a project, I’ll see the popup that Audacity is “compacting” the project. I no longer see that happening on one of my projects, and the file size keeps growing.

The project is from a single .wav file, and I’ve copy/pasted portions of it with a single track in the project. Here’s what it looks like now, having a file size of 3.7 GB (from a .wav whose size was 600 MB)

No matter what I do, I can no longer get the project to Compact when closing it.

To test this to the extreme, I deleted all but just a single 12-second clip from the project. When I save and Close, or close Audacity, the file size for this project is still 3.7 GB. Closing Audacity doesn’t cause the file to compact.

If I delete that last clip, then the file size does drop to almost nothing.

Is there a may to manually for the project to Compact? Why would the project be so large, despite having so little content it it?


My understanding is that Muse believe they have fixed this in the latest release 3.6.4


That’s the version I’m using. I updating to 3.6.4 today just to see if it was an issue with the version I had been using. But that didn’t immediately resolve the issue for me.

I did, however, make a little progress with this. I found that if I dragged a different large audio clip (~600MB) into the project (on a new track), that seems to have gotten the project’s Compacting working again. I added the new audio file, immediately removed it, saved and closed, and I saw the Compacting popup appear again for the first time. And the resulting compacting cut the file size significantly, as expected.

What I don’t know yet is whether the project will continue to Compact as I keep working on it, or whether it’s still in a weird state where I’ll have to perform this workaround from time to time.

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