Problems exporting to .wav file

I am running Audacity 3.7 on Windows 11. I create audio files in Audacity, generally about 7-10 minutes, and export them to .wav format so that I can play them by bluetooth from my iphone. I am getting slight hiccoughs in the .wav file - only minor, but noticeable, so that it seems to skip a few milliseconds every few seconds. It isn’t the bluetooth connection, because the error is apparent when I play the WAV file via the speaker on my iphone. I have tried raising and lowering the Latency Buffer length setting, but that doesn’t seem to help. Any thoughts?

Ensure that you export as 16-bit WAV with a sample rate of 44100 Hz (44.1kHz). That will produce a standard WAV file that should play correctly in virtually all audio players. Higher sample formats and higher bit rates increase the amount of data considerably, increasing the likelihood of glitches on playback.

Thanks, Steve. I was using 24-bit with a sample rate of 44100, but I have adjusted as you suggest. It hasn’t made any difference, I fear - the stutters persist; they sound a bit like an old turntable when the stylus skipped a groove. I have been using Audacity for this purpose for a couple of years, and only started noticing this problem a month or two ago. I haven’t changed my PC, or made any other significant configuration changes.