Powerpoint 335 difficulty with Audacity files

I have an MP3 file that I put in a powerpoint 365 slide, export the PPT as MP4 and it plays fine. I import the MP3 into audacity 3.7.1 and modify it. I then export it as MP3. I put that MP3 file in powerpoint, export it as MP4 and it skips sections in repeatable fashion. I have done everything from scratch twice and the MP4 still skips in the same places. Somehow Audacity is changing the file in a way that makes it incompatible with the powerpoint 365 process.

Every time audio is converted into MP3 and MP4 format, data is compressed and some is lost.

It would be a good idea to import the audio (preferably before it was converted into MP3) into an MP4 video editor and save it to PowerPoint from there.

I don’t know much about Power Point…

That doesn’t explain the skipping…

But if you can stick with MP4, “damage” doesn’t accumulate with successive generations of re-compression like it does with MP3.

From what I found, PPT “prefers” MP4 (AKA AAC or M4A).

But you might want to try a WAV file. WAV is “simpler” and generally less-likely to cause problems. Or, the audio file may be OK and the problem may be with Power Point.