Playing short clips

Hi! I just updated to the latest version and want to sample a clip that’s only one second long. This was possible in earlier versions. but not now? Just to be clear, if I highlight a section of a track that is one second long there is no sound in the playback. If I highlight more like two seconds long there is… Any help appreciated! Thanks!

Testing on W10 with 3.7.1

I cannot replicate this - playing one second works fine for me.


Yes, it “plays” but no sound unless I select a larger area. Very frustrating but maybe I will go back to an earlier version.

BTW, just went back to 3.64 and works fine. Problem solved for now but if anyone at Audacity is listening it seems like a bug to be fixed.

When I say it plays, I mean it plays properly with sound …



Further testing shows I can get sound from one centi-second and even one millisecond selections when playing them.