Output one track to left side of headphones and a different track to the other side

I am attempting to use Audacity to create a click track that will go into an In Ear Monitor system while other tracks will go to the front of house. The test for this is plugging in headphones to computer and playing the tracks. The click should be only in one side and the other tracks should be in the other side. I have panned the click all the way to the right and the others to the left. I am currently hearing the click in both side however, one side is much lower than the other.

Windows playback “audio enhancements” can allow crossover between left & right channels … https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/disable-audio-enhancements

Thanks for the reply. I disabled the “Audio Enhancements” but this had no effect.
This is very frustrating

There can be more that one layer of audio enhancements,
other than RealTek there can be MaxxAudio, DTS, HP Sound, Bang & Olufsen.

Thanks again for the reply.
I went the the all devices and turned off Audio Enhancements. Still no luck.

I have tried all this on 3 different computers (Windows 10 desktop, Windows 10 laptop, Macbook Pro) and the bleed over is still present.
Could someone do me a favor???
In Audacity generate a tone and pan to the right, export as MP3 and attach here so I can see if the issue exists in your file. You can also listen to the tone with headphones and let me know if you hear the tone on the left side. It will be faint so you probably will need to remove the right ear to hear the tone in the left ear. This is VERY frustrating so, any help would be much appreciated.