My laptop ran out of battery and shut down last night while working on an unsaved project. When I turned it back on, there was no Automatic Crash Recovery dialogue. Am I out of luck, or is there a way to force that dialogue to open? Using Windows 11.
Well, with an unexpected and sudden shutdown due to missing electric power, there is not much chance that anything can be saved - while with a “normal” crash of the program there is still power around to do some emergency work.
Which dialog do you want to force open? A “save” dialog at shutdown time? If there is no electric power anymore? I’d rather wish that your operating system warns you telling you something like “only about xx minutes/seconds left before shutdown”. Or it could do a regular shutdown before alll power is used to allow you to save your work. My computer tells me when I select “shutdown” and have unsaved or otherwise open documents etc.
On my old computer, I remember the dialogue popping up on restart if I ran out of battery to access a temporary save of what I was working on. Musescore still does this. I just assumed the functionality was still there, but perhaps I assumed wrong.
This is not a feature of the programs you’re running, it is a feature that is (or should be) part of the operating system. But the operating system should warn you before there is zero energy in the battery so that you still have time to save your valuable work.
Maybe (I don’t know) Audacity can do a save every x minutes if it is set to do so - then you would only lose a small part of your work. Maybe there is also a possibility to automate this using some of the operating system’s features or a third-party utility.
When you say “Musescore still does this”: Try to do a sudden shutdown by removing the battery. I am pretty sure that nothing is saved, even not in Musescore.