NEED HELP converting 45 records to audio files


I am trying to use the audacity program to convert my 45 records into audio files.

I’m a learning disabled woman (With an IQ of only 100 unfortunately)I recently downloaded the audacity program of 3.63 which unfortunately didn’t work with my computer I’ve checked and made some adjustments, but I’m not sure if this version is compatible with my Mac sonoma 14.6.1 I had a previous version that worked fine before, the problem isn’t with the cords I’m pretty sure the problem is the software I’m not sure what to do now I don’t know what version worked before I would like to get it working again. I know it can work properly I’m trying now to make this work but I don’t know how. Please help me if you can.

Thank you.

Audacity 3.6.x works fine on a Mac with Monterey (12.7.6) and with Sequoia (15.0.1), so it definitely will work on your Sonoma as well.

What is the reason for your opinion? Wouldn’t it be an idea to share your cabling to us? And tell us what devices you use?

And finally: you did not tell us what your problem is. Can or can’t you record your music? If your problem is something else, please tell us.

If your sound does not go through from your record player to Audacity, you should still tell us something about what is connected to what and how. And what settings you have “adjusted” in Audacity. In general, a newer version of Audacity takes all settings you have made using a previous version - so you should not have to change anything.

Does Audacity have the rights to access “Microphone” in system settings (Privacy and Security → Microphone)?

Hello, first of all thank you for responding. To answer your questions, yes, my microphone access for audacity is on. My record player is connected to my computer through a USB port. The problem is that I can not record records into sound files. I used to be able to do this very easily through my USB port. Is there another setting or adjustment you can recommend? Thank you for your time and support.

Check that your USB turntable is selected in the Audio Setup Toolbar.

thank so much but I got six words for you been there done that didn’t work any other suggestions your tip is appreciated though anything else you recommend

Just for clarity, Audacity needs access to the USB device since you’re not trying to record from the microphone.

What happens? Do you get an error? Do you get a silent file?

You can also try Try Listen To This Device to make sure Windows is getting a signal. Of course again, the USB device.

nice advice…if I was a windows user, im a MAC user.

I have checked my usb device it was working fine before , the usb device doesn’t seem to be the problem. the software should work but its not ive set the recording to go through the usb device and once I got the new software it stopped working, my settings were fine but all I got was blank file, the sound isn’t even registering or moving the sound wasn’t registering the problem is either the software the usb port or something int he audacity program, I don’t know if I should get an previous version (which its looking for like I night have to,) but if I don’t get any good answers in a months time you guys will have just lost a customer. remember im learning disabled and can’t do tech easily. I wonder if there’s soem kind of setting adjustment I need to make but what it could be I don’t knowwhat that is .
Ii know final vinyl is obsolete now, I might have to go for golden records if I don’t get any good answers in a month.can you think of anything else?

macOS uses the term “Microphone” for any sound input. Windows is not involved here.

Did you select the proper input source in Audacity? Probably called “input device”, and anything with the term “USB” in its name (in my case, it’s iMic, but yours is for sure different).

Well, (i) Audacity in version 3.6.x will work fine with macOS 14 (Sonoma). If the settings are screwed up, also an older version will not work. And (ii) since you did not pay a penny for Audacity, they won’t even realize if you changed to a different product. Instead of complaining, just try the solutions offered here (not the windows-related ones, of course).

And to make sure you do not have screwed up any other settings, go to the “Tools” menu (in my language called “Werkzeuge”) and select “Reset confuguration”.

Patience is something that helps a lot in many situations.

well I tried doing the setting reset and so far no success.

what else do you recommend

You want to set the Recording Device to USB Audio CODEC.

Go to Apple (menu) > System Settings > Sound > Input.

Select the USB Audio CODEC. Play a record on the turntable. Does the input level meter bounce?

I tried that and the metre didn’t bounce at all. I di have pictures but I can’t send them right now

my phone is frozen and I can’t send pictiures right now you will have to wait until next week to get the pictures I did get error message but I can’t send it right now because my phone is frozen

You should NOT make photos from your screen. Please use the capabilities of macOS to make screenshots.

See here for instructions how to do this.

I can tell you that I got an error message but I dan’t understand it. for now im not going to do anything more. I can’t remember what they said and what you are trying to tell me. LEARNING DISABLED MY IQ IS ONLY 100 pictures best to understand and I have tried the adjustments ill try again next week. bye for now

If the meter didn’t bounce in System Preferences > Sound > Input then the problem is with the turntable.

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