for classical music cutting I would have a small wish:
For multiple parallel audio files one has in e.g 32 channel recordings, create a special group function to to group them as one stereo file that can be cut one one group, so cutting all the 32 tracks as one stereo track. One could create a mode to clap it together or out to select balance and tuning, and flip together to have easy sound cutting. So one can do proper simple editing different parts of a recording together or make exchanges.
It also misses an overlapping cutting tool, that adjust the cutting, like found in adour. This ability combine with the above, would be perfect for professional use, not only in classical music but also for multi track pop music, most user would apply.
Please let me know what you think about this suggestion.
You can try using Sync-Locked Track Groups, each group of tracks id defined by having a label track under it- and you would need also to turn sync-locking on (you do this from the bottom item in the Tracks menu).
Audacity can mix 32-tracks but a full DAW is more appropriate.
DAWs have meters and level sliders for every track as well as master sliders & meters (more like an analog mixer). That makes it easier to get a good overall balance while maintaining a good overall level. They also have “automation” so you can fade up or down different tracks at different points, and you can more-easily apply different effects to different tracks, etc., and a lot of other features for recording, mixing, and producing multitrack recordings.