Hello, I´ve experienced some issues with multichannel exporting in Audacity 3.7.1.
I´m using a roland rubix 24 interface, when the WAV file is generated, it will not export selected stems to specific channels in my hardware.
I´ve checked everything since windows configs to driver´s updates.
This feature works correctly in all previeous versions before 3,7, and I´m only able to export correctly with previous versions of audacity. Anyone can help?
@Miguelmgomes - “when the WAV file is generated”, is that file already multichannel? The selected stems should be exported into a file, which your hardware interprets, am I correct? Where are you trying to playback the resulting exported file?
Here I have 5 mono tracks imported into Audacity, which were exported as a single, mutlichannel .wav file with default multichannel mapping. As you can see, the channels are all available within one file.
Hello I usually playback the files via media player, even if it is in one multichannel, it will work (with audacity 3,6). Even reaper detects and plays the bond stems in the same file .
With version 3,7,1 even if I bond the channels the result is allways the same (all tracks stereo 1/2)