Hi, I have been looking at various places on how to export individual clips on macro, but I am having difficulties…
I have several audio files and I would like to apply sound finder, and then export the founded sound as individual clips.
e.g.) audio-1.mp3, audio-2.mp3, audio-3.mp3 each has 5 sounds separated by sound finder, and I would like to export them as individual clips. (For this example, it’s 5 sound, but each audio files have various number of sounds.
You could make 5 copies of each file, and have the first macro find the first sound, etc.
For the general case I do not think you can do this with macros. The “Export as MP3” command does not take parameters and is going to export to the “macro-output” subdirectory using the filename of your original file, so there is going to be a one-to-one relationship. Also, currently you cannot loop within macros.
I am not sure, but you might be able to do this with nyquist or with mod-script-pipes. Good luck !
Yes, you can do all of that, and relatively easily. Sorry this response is coming 4 years after you asking, but I’ll share it in hopes of making someone else’s efforts easier. I wrote a Macro a couple of years ago that would use silence finder to split the audio into clips. then move each of those clips into it’s own individual track, and finally would amplify to -3db, trim the silence and apply some basic processing and lastly correct perceived output loudness. The only thing manual was naming the tracks before they were exported, and I have several ideas for doing that as well. Unfortunately, as these updates are taking place, several individual tasks stopped working. I have updated my macro and have all but one working. The one that still generates internal error codes is the moving of the clips to a new track. All the steps work fine manually, but won’t work as part of a macro. I have a hunch this issue will be fixed soon, so I’m just waiting, watching and exploring other ways as well.