Lost image tag mp3 file

I’m working on improving my music files with higher quality using Audacity 3.6.4 on an iMac with Sequoia OS 15.0.1, but I find that when I export the new improved file of those that accompanied an image, unfortunately this image is lost and there is no possibility of adding a new one.
Is this so?
or on the contrary
is there a way to preserve the image of the original mp3 file? because the result is that I lose all the images of the songs when trying to improve them even if I don’t edit the tag.

I am aware that there are tag editors, but even so I would have to extract the image of each song, save it and then edit the tag again and add the image and when it comes to dozens of files it becomes a very heavy task.

Thanks for the help.

:v: Greetings

This is a known and logged issue:

This is just one among many issues that affect metadata handling in Audacity, see:


Thank you very much for your quick response @waxcylinder,
I have been an Audacity user for many years and I use it sporadically to “fix” some tracks mainly due to excess or lack of volume and until now I was not too worried about the way to proceed with the export, but now I wanted to improve the songs I have because I have new SONOS speakers and I would like to enjoy them with higher quality. I have set to work and I have seen how the cover art of the songs that I have added for years to identify them more accurately is lost.

I am very sorry that this topic was already posted, but what I am most sorry about is that with the time that this circumstance has been announced (at least since June 2022) nothing has been done to solve it. This will lead me to stop using Audacity except in specific cases where I do not mind losing the cover art.

Please take my comment as constructive criticism. I do not mean to disparage the contribution of this software because thanks to it I have enjoyed my songs very much and in any case I am very grateful for your attention.

:v: See you.

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